Applejack: Who cares about cowpony hats? This new me needs space! Applejack: Pinkie Pie: So? How's it taste? Good enough for hometown? It has to be perfect! Applejack: It's delicious. Applejack: Applejack: Now this is more like it! Excitement! Adventure! Heroics! Applejack: HOT! Rainbow Dash: Almost got it! Pinkie Pie: I said preheat, not overheat! Applejack: Hmm. Pinkie Pie: I've got another hat that just might work. Pinkie Pie: Aw, tough flight? Applejack: I-I don't know if this hat is for me. Applejack: Twilight Sparkle: Whoop! Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, Applejack. what am I doin'? I don't even know what to- Fillies and gentlecolts, this is Captain Applejack speakin'. Pinkie Pie: You look good! Applejack: Hmm. while I figure out what's going on with my sponge cake? Somehow it's too fluffy. Why don't you just give some other hats a try. I'm not sure who else I can be without the hat to match. Find a new identity! Applejack: I don't know. Pinkie Pie: Well, I'll tell you what I'd do in your hooves. But with everypony wearin' the same hat as me, it's like. Pinkie Pie: Hot fudge? Applejack: Mm-hmm. I love my hat 'cause it shows who I am on the inside and on the outside. Pinkie Pie: Sprinkles? Applejack: Rainbow, please. What can I do ya for? Applejack: This big a crisis might call for a double scoop. Applejack: Pinkie Pie: Pull up some stool. Applejack, I think you've got that window clean.
#Stuffed my little pony applejack ribbon mane with hat tv
Pinkie Pie: Now I'm ready to perfect my sponge cake for TV! So giddy-up on that cleaning, y'all! Pinkie Pie: The TV crew will be here in less than twenty-four hours! So let's make it sparkle, people! Pinkie Pie: Hmm. Applejack: Uh, what is happening? Rarity: Ooh, Rarity, you taste-making, talented trendsetter! You've done it again! Applejack: All right. Rainbow Dash: Equestria Presto instant delivery! Twilight Sparkle: Make room on the bandwagon, y'all! Applejack: Oh. Rarity: Rarity: And I thought to myself, "That's what's missing." I can put on a show with my old west chapeau! Applejack: You sure can! She. Rarity: You know those days when you're just not feeling anything in your massive, option-filled, overflowing closet? Rarity: I have nothing to wear! Applejack: Mornin', Rarity. Pinkie Pie: Wow! Amazing hat, Rarity! Applejack: It is amazin'. Mane Six: Pinkie Pie: Hometown cook-offs are right around the corner! We need this place looking spotless A.S.A.-! Fluttershy: Pinkie Pie? Is this clean enough? Rarity: Darlings! Applejack: Huh? Oh! Rarity: Sorry I'm late. Part 1 Rainbow Dash and Rarity: Applejack: This is a love story. How Applejack Got Her Hat Back Transcript